Hello Crafty Miners and welcome to another weekly news update from the World of Raar. This week we check in on several continuing construction projects and bring you the latest news and announcements.
Opera House Construction Update
The roof of the Imperial City Opera House is now taking shape. Slowly over this past week, Sam Co. has been developing the roof of this massive structure. It is estimated that 95% of the exterior design is now complete and it is expected to be completely buttoned up over the weekend. Meanwhile, the interior has temporarily taken a back seat to the roof project but is expected to start up again once the roofing is complete.
Holland Hills Sub-Division Announced
Earlier this week, Mayor Talamer announced the expansion of Imperial City to the north-east with a new sub-division. The name of the new area will be Holland Hills. Work has already begun on the infrastructure of the new development with a completed foot bridge and several winding roads. Not much more is known about this latest construction project, only that the landscape will play more of a factor in this sloped region of the city.
Imperial City Landscaping
Bloc-tanical Landscaping has been contracted by Imperial City to begin landscaping several areas within the metropolis. Flowers and trees have been shipping in extensively in preparation for this 'greenification'. The Mayor noted in an earlier press conference that the city has "long been neglected" in this process and now feels this undertaking is "a necessity to ensure the growth and beauty of the emerging cityscape".
Imperial City Hall Construction Update
Progress has also continued on the Imperial City Hall. Construction this week concentrated on the second floor. Several offices have been laid out, as well as a conference room. The highlight though, is the completion of the long awaited Council Chamber which sits directly beneath the domed skylight of the building. Another feature added this week was a mailbox system that will allow visitors and residents the ability to leave messages for the Mayor.
No date is yet set for the completion of this project.
Bank of Ender Initial Design
Sam Co. has begun the initial stages of design for the Bank of Ender. Not much more is known about the progress of this project only that it is in the infancy of design.
Imperial City Lighting Reno
Mayor Talamer announced on Thursday that Imperial City will be undergoing a major street light renovation. Plans are for all current street lights to be replaced with modern solar powered lamps. Though seemingly simple, the project is expected to take several months and require the upheaval of all roads. With testing complete, the new system has already started to begin on Main Street.
Till Next Time!
Thanks to all for viewing this blog. We all appreciate your support. Till next week, Happy Crafting!